FQ_PtEarning Data Dictionary

Full Definitions and Descriptions for the Patient Earnings Records

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PtEarningID Patient Earning Identifier The unique identifier allocated to an earning record for a specific patient.
DtEnter Date Entered The date the earning record was initially entered into the system.
DtExpire Date Expired The date at which the earning record is scheduled to expire or no longer be valid.
GrossMonthlyEQ Gross Monthly Earnings Quantity The total amount of earnings received by the patient on a monthly basis before any deductions.
GrossYearlyEQ Gross Yearly Earnings Quantity The total amount of earnings received by the patient on an annual basis before any deductions.
IsActive Active Status A flag indicating whether the earning record is currently active or inactive.
IsActiveDate Active Status Date The date on which the earning record's active status was last updated.
NoHousehold Number in Household The count of individuals living in the same household as the patient.
PtID Patient Identifier The unique identifier assigned to a patient that is associated with their earning records.
ZUChkSum Audit Check Sum A check sum used to verify the integrity of the earning records within the system for auditing purposes.
ZUDate Audit Usage Date The date corresponding to when an audit action was taken or logged for the earning record.
ZULogonHisID User Logon History Identifier An identifier that links the earning records to a user's logon session for tracking changes and maintaining a log history within the system.